Sunday, July 27, 2014

3 Month Garden Update

3 Month Garden Update

My oh my has my garden been growing!! My Cherry Tomato plant is over 6 feet tall and growing up my fence.We get about a bowls worth of cherry tomatoes every day. My kids are LOVING it.They are allowed to pick them and eat them anytime they want for a snack. They think it's pretty cool to be able to have a snack anytime they want. They help me pick the tomato fruitworm (caterpillars/inch worms) off every day. There are also a lot of cherry tomatoes, beef steak tomatoes, roma tomatoes growing too. I've been averaging about 1 tomato per day. We had a serious problem with blight in one of my tomato beds and I lost 4 plants from it. I quickly pulled them once I realized what it was and tilled my garden up really good. I also blended up some egg shells and mixed them throughout the soil because I read that could help cure the dirt so I can replant in it. In addition to the blight we deal with these "fruit worms" on a daily basis on all my tomato plants.

My kids enjoy helping me "pick them off" in the mornings and evenings. They won't touch them of course the pull the whole leaf off, but I guess that works!  We are also using an organic tomato pesticide occasionally. Even though it's organic I still don't like the idea of using it. So we continue picking them off one at a time!

I also have several watermelons growing (oh my goodness I never thought a watermelon could be soo small, they're so cute), lemon cucumbers (which you have seen in my past posts), and my bell pepper plants are growing so well.  My largest ones are about 3 ft tall and producing pretty large bell peppers so far. I have some smaller pepper plants in the 10 inch range of height as well. I planted corn about 2 weeks ago and they are already over a foot tall! Fast growing and loving the heat they're getting.

Jess has found 3 green beans on her green bean stalk which surprised me considering it is only about 18 inches tall!! I couldn't believe it had veggies growing on it. I think once this heat dies down some everything will really take off!

Lastly, strawberries, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower and blueberries aren't doing as well, still growing (very slowly) but I think the heat as stunted their growth.

This picture is of my tomato "cemetery" from not picking yesterday. How sad! All those wasted tomatoes that we missed out on eating! My tip for today would be don't forget to pick your harvest every day so you don't miss out!

Anyway, keep following my blog, feel free to comment any questions or comments you might have. Thanks for reading :)

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